Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Los Angeles - The Bad

Venice Beach is one of the weirdest places in Los Angeles. I felt like I was in another planet. Ocean Front Walk is full of weird, strange and totally unique people who are begging for tourists' (and probably a showbiz producer's) attention, each one wanting to be a star. It's nice to see during the day, but at night, it's another story as the beach becomes a hangout for addicts, dealers and troublemakers.

Here's the beginning of Ocean Front Walk.

This is where the TV show 'Baywatch' was shot. And where Pamela Anderson's double-D (or is it E or F now) floaters started their career.

The walk is so crowded during the weekends.

And the performances are on.

First act is Mr. DJ. He played some techno-house thing and he's selling a CD!

Then there are the punk rockers who are just hanging around trying to look fierce. Trying.

Presenting hula hoopy couple who are doing an I-don't-know-what. Beside them is homeless guy, looking like he really lives in the suburbs, who's begging for money to buy beer.

Here's a black vs white basketball game, where players act like they are about to start a fight but never do.

And let's not forget the meat viewing at muscle beach where guys and umm...guys display their wares for everyone to see.

The stuff for sale are crazy. They were selling medical marijuana in a clinic but I wasn't able to take a pic. But check out the glasses for sale.
Stun guns anyone? It's 100% legal!

I should have gotten myself a stun gun.

1 comment:

Johwey Redington said...

I'll never understand what the hype is about Venice Beach. I've never been comfortable hanging out there. Lots of weirdness :D